love alone

.....Thanks all who went before me and
praise God for letting me be part of your blessed world.
All facets I feel for you is so infinite, near impossible to depict,
just a sheer moment with you rekindles every hope of beauty in the world.
A look in your heavenly eyes turns hopeless night into blessed dawn.
It's like winning absolute jackpot of all time just to stand alongside
your amazing grace.
 I keep Underestimating the force and passion I sense between us,
as it's growing everlasting and to new heights each passing moment.
The first and only woman I would ever kneel down to,
as you make me into and feel like your champion.
Truly the only one I will let to know all of me,
to keep and share my passionate heart,
body and soul, until forever,
in an unrecoverable rising high.
Love alone is worth the fight, always yours, now and forever !

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