Breaking the bubble Part 7

.....This blog post might seem a bit incoherent and confusing.
We are at the point of the present, here and now, eye of the lovers storm.

I've never felt or known that a single person more than perhaps God himself,
could ignite every part of my body & mind,
engulfed me in heavenly fire to the brink of ecstasy,
just by an innocent alluring gaze.

Within my very being,
 lurks a kindhearted emanating white-crusted sleeping dragon,
furiously with fiery passion and unbreakable devotion & trust.
If ignited, born for a single time, trusted for only one exclusive.

Harmoniously and angelic she dances past every defenses,
her tender sweet caress makes my inner dragon purr of heavenly joy,
her sensual body provokes every fiber of my body, mind and soul.
Alluring whispers shatters right from wrong,
in presence of her gorgeous gaze I feel divine and strong....
Your  now the composer and trusted conductor of my sparked heart,
now and forever, the only one, that my true heart will be shown.

It's hurting at this level of our estranged relationship,
as I reached a captivated place where I'm torn apart by
my own fiery heart for realism to the promises along the way.
Locked and twisted by faith to a place I cant live without.
She is now unwillingly set as the best part of myself,
a cornered founding stone of my reborn life.
To me she is a true soul-mate that I'm willing to die for.

The effect she has on me is indescribable,
I will never be able to go down this path again,
because as we meet its picture perfect, explosive beyond belief.
So its now sad to let you know this blog, is coming to an end.
I cherish every moment of her as it was my last on this earth,
she is worth it more than own self, but in the end,
doing so, I be tumbling down, like a fallen angel, back to the shadows again.....

[The End - Breaking the bubble.]

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